APRIL 20, 2021
The “His Dark Materials” Litter
Named for both one of my favorite book series as well as Lyra's namesake, we are very excited to present this litter, Born April 20, 2021.
Puppy 1 - Female - Serafina
Puppy 2 - Female - Kaisa
Puppy 3 - Male - Asriel
Puppy 4 - Female - Pantalaimon
Puppy 5 - Female - Kirjava
Puppy 6 - Female - Xaphania
Puppies week by week
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See how we’ve grown & what we’ve accomplished!
Registered Name: CH 'PR’ Thurisia’s Traveler of Worlds
Litter Name: Serafina
Gender: Female
Adult Size: Standard
Owner: Donna S. Michigan, USA
Comments: Show/breeding prospect
Instagram: N/A
Registered Name: MBIOS RBIS URO2 BN RACEA PN GRCH ‘PR’ Thurisia’s Voice of Reason CM RN BCAT TKP RATO Total Dog x8
Litter Name: Pantalaimon
Gender: Female
Adult Size: Standard
Owner: Cheryl S. - Utah, USA
Comments: Thurisia breeding potential.
Instagram: @biggysmallpups
Registered Name: ‘PR’ Thurisia’s True Insight
Litter Name: Kaisa
Gender: Female
Adult Size: Miniature
Owner: Derek and Kaarina R. - DC, USA
Instagram: @kaisakleekai
Registered Name: MBPIS RBPIS RACEA GRCH 'PR' Thurisia’s Window to the World SPOT TKA ATD VHMP RATN
Litter Name: Kirjava
Gender: Female
Adult Size: Standard
Owner: Thurisia
Comments: Thurisia breeding potential
Instagram: @thurisia_akk
Registered Name: RACEA DASH CH' PR’ Thurisia’s Explorer of Worlds CW-SP
Litter Name: Asriel
Gender: Male
Adult Size: Standard
Owner: Natalie I. - British Columbia, Canada
Instagram: @lifeaskatsu
Registered Name: ‘PR’ Thurisia’s Angelic Rebellion NTD
Litter Name: Xaphania
Gender: Female
Adult Size: Standard
Owner: Jordana B. - California
Instagram: @klee_kai_juno
Litter Gallery
Check out all the cute/fun photos we took of these guys as they were growing up!